proposal wisata edukasi bambu nusantara 2013 (webNUSANTARA 2013)

Buat sahabat-sahabatku
Berikut kami ajukan proposal kegiatan webNUSANTARA 2013, mudah2an ada yang berminat untuk mensupport kegiatan ini, tks


I.                 Latar Belakang
Bulan Juli 2013 ini kita
dikagetkan dengan berita kelompok agribisnis
China-Malaysia tengah berupaya membangun lahan persawahan dan proyek pengolahan
terpadu pada November mendatang di Indonesia dengan dana investasi US$ 2 miliar
atau sekitar Rp 20,3 triliun (sumber: Atau impor beberapa produk pertanian dan holtikultura? Menurut laporan dari Gabungan Importir
Hasil Bumi Indonesia, impor produk hortikultura (buah dan sayur) yang dilakukan
oleh Indonesia terhitung besar. Saat ini 85% dari seluruh produk Hortikultura
yang beredar dan dinikmati oleh konsumen di Indonesia merupakan produk impor.
Selain itu, jumlah impor produk tersebut selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya (
sumber: Negeri apa Indonesia
ini? Sebuah negeri yang gemah ripah loh jenawi, negeri nan subur di zamrud
khatulistiwa namun terpuruk di bidang agraris. Ironis memang, tapi itulah
Salah satu penyebabnya adalah
karena kita melupakan bambu sebagai asset bangsa yang potensial. Berbeda dengan
tanaman padi dan holtikultura, bambu ini sangat mudah sekali menanamnya. Tidak
memerlukan pengolahan lahan, mudah perawatannya, bisa hidup di berbagai jenis
lahan, dan yang terpenting adalah sekali tanam seumur hidup panen terus. Jadi
dengan menanam bambu di lingkungannya masing-masing, berarti dalam 3 tahun ke
depan kita sudah menjaga ketahanan pangan, sandang, papan, energi dan
lingkungan. (baca:
II.               Maksud dan Tujuan
Wisata Edukasi Bambu Nusantara 2013 mempunyai maksud untuk
meningkatkan kepedulian semua pihak (pemerintah pusat/daerah, pihak swasta,
perguruan tinggi, masyarakat dan komunitas) akan pentingnya menanam bambu untuk
ketahanan pangan, sandang, papan, energi dan lingkungan; mendorong pemikiran
dan evaluasi atas teori dan implementasi bambuyang lebih baik untuk semua
lapisan masyarakat serta pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Tujuannya adalah
a.      Memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya menanam
bambu untuk konservasi lingkungan;
b.      Meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bambuterkait perbaikan lingkungan untuk mendukung
pembangunan yangberkelanjutan;
c.      Sebagai momen untuk
mempersatukan semua stakeholder dalam memperhatikan
keseimbangan lingkungan yang lebih baik.
d.      Memberdayakan masyarakat sehingga
tercipta partisipasi masyarakat secara aktif dalam menata lingkungannya.
e.      Sebagai target pencapaian tahun 2025,
menjadikan Indonesia, Negeri Berumpun Bambu.
f.       Mendukung event-event yang berhubungan dengan bambu seperti “Lombok International Bamboo Architecture Festival”.
III.              Nama Kegiatan
IV.             Tema
“Indonesia, Negeri
Berumpun Bambu”
V.               Rangkaian
1.      Pendataan Bambu.
2.      Tanam Bambu.
3.      WorkshopBambu.
VI.             Peserta
1.     Persaudaraan
Pecinta Bambu Indonesia
2.     Fotografer
3.     Media
4.     Travel Writing
5.     Sponsor
6.     Volunteer
VII.            Kepanitiaan
Pembina : Prof. Elizabeth A. Widjaja 
Penanggung Jawab : Heru Markeso
Ketua : Mukoddas Syuhada
Sekretaris : Akhmad Gunawan
Bendahara : Oji Muntaji
Pendata Bambu : Alvin Yudistira
Penanam Bambu :
  Mastok Setyanto
Workshop Bambu : Yoyo Budiman 
VIII.          Jadwal Kegiatan(masih tentaif)
IX.             Rencana
Anggaran Biaya
Edukasi Bambu Nusantara 2013 membutuhkan biaya Rp. 233.700.000,- (dua ratus tiga
puluh tiga juta tujuh ratus ribu rupiah).
X.               Sumber
kegiatan ini bersumber dari :
1. Donatur
2. Sponsorship
XI.             Penutup
Edukasi Bambu Nusantara 2013 merupakan aksi nyata untuk memperkuat ketahanan
pangan, sandang, papan, energi dan lingkungan, sehingga Indonesia kembali
menjadi Negara Agraris dan Negeri Berumpun Bambu. Melalui kegiatan ini, kita
dapat mengangkat suara kita bersama, meningkatkan kepedulian yang lebih besar, mengambil
tindakan untuk mengubah sistem, kebijakan dan sikap yang mengarah pada penciptaan
lingkungan binaan yang berkelanjutan serta pemberdayaan masyarakat. Bersama-sama kita dapat
melakukan sesuatu untuk masa depan Nusantara dengan melakukan aksi-aksi baru
untuk membantu memperbaiki lingkungan dan habitat kita. 
lengkapnya bisa di download di
Di Kampung Kita Jaya…! 

twitter : @dAsalbantani
“My Country, My Village”
“Save our World with Design ‘n Technology”
new concept : UKe – Umah Kebon untuk Papan dan Pangan yang Berkelanjutan

international workshop


Jakarta Vertical Kampung Events aim for the development of innovative
affordable housing designs (with the criteria of being climatic,
community-based and culturally contextual) for the City of Jakarta.
THE MASTER CLASS will be at the Erasmus Huis, guided by the best of
Jakarta architects, reviewed by an international panel of mixed
disciplines. The output will be a 2-minute movie trailer and drawings,
which will be curated and exhibited at the Erasmus Huis. At the end of
the program, together with the Berlage, we will stage a conference and
public debate on the concept of ‘social housing’. The series of
activities are productive for the public at large, local
government, institutions, corporate social responsibility of the private
sectors, academics and professionals in architecture and urbanism.
Open to talented young architects. Fresh graduates, master students and Bachelor students
at the 3rd or 4th year are welcome. IAI Jakarta members will receive KUM and organization points.
There are 30 places only! Please register here:
A 10-day masterclass participation fee is 1.9million Rp for Indonesian
participants and 3.8million Rp (400 USD) for international participants.
THE CONFERENCE will take place on July 7 at the Erasmushuis and will
facilitate a public debate, panel discussion and lectures. Detailed
program will be published on our official website. Entrance fee is
190,000 Rp for professional and 100,000 Rp for students (payment via the
website or on the venue)
THE EXHIBITION will showcase master class results. Official opening on
July 7 at 17.30 at the Erasmushuis, Jakarta. Open for public for free.
We hope to see you soon at the Erasmushuis Jakarta!
Initiated by SHAU Rotterdam Munich Jakarta.
Partners: Erasmus Huis, Pemprov DKI Jakarta, Menparekraf, Djarum Foundation, IAI Jakarta,
IAI EU, The Berlage, Indonesian Diaspora Network, ARCHINESIA, Jakarta Globe, TRANS TV,
Media Indonesia and more

Masterclass Guest Teachers
Andra Matin (andramatin), Wiyoga Nurdiansyah (SUB), David Hutama, Yogi
Ferdinand (SHAU), Achmad D Tardiyana (URBANE),
Willis Kusuma (Willis Kusuma Architects), Avianti
Armand (Avianti Armand Studio), Ary Indra (ABODAY), Adi Purnomo
(mamostudio), Paulus Mintarga (Rempah Rumahkarya), Yu Sing (Akanoma
Studio), Ivan Kurniawan (National University of Singapore), and more

Masterclass Presentation & Media Team

Masterclass Panel/Reviewers
Winy Maas (MVRDV), David Gianotten (OMA), Ton Venhoeven (Venhoeven CS),
Bas Princen, Nanne de Ru (Berlage, Powerhouse Company), Eko Prawoto (UKDW),
Budi Pradono (Budi Pradono Architects), Imelda Akmal (IMAJI), Ahmad Djuhara (djuhara+djuhara),
Danny Wicaksono (Studio Dasar, Jongarsitek), Rizki Supratman (OMA Hong
Kong), Han Awal [tbc], Yori Antar (Han Awal and Partners), Antonio
Ismael Risianto (barefoot architects, FORKIM), Bin Kim (University of
Seoul), Daewon Kwak (Design Guild Korea), Pitupong Chaowakul
(Supermachinestudio), Jonathan Pasodung ( Head of housing dept. City of Jakarta),
Zoraida Ibrahim (Director of Architecture and Design, Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy), Christophe Girot (Landscape Professor ETH),
Stephen Cairns (Professor FCL/ NUS/ ETH), Frank van Woesik (Witteveen +
Bos), Handaka Santosa (private sector) and more

Masterclass Lecture Sessions
Understanding Kampung session: Jo Santoso (UNTAR)
Community Architects session: Ivana Lee (Ciliwung Merdeka), Anita
Syafitri and Astaja Syawal, (FORKIM), Yuli Kusworo (ARKOM)
Designer Skype session: Alfredo Brillembourg (Urban Think Tank) tbc
Climate design session: Jaap Wiedenhoff (ARUP)
Betawi culture session: Ikatan Kesenian Jakarta

Daliana Suryawinata & Florian Heinzelmann (SHAU)
Assistant Curator
Maria Vera van Embden Andres (SHAU)

Best Regards,

Daliana Suryawinata
Founder SHAU
Chief Officer Indonesian Institute of Architects EU Chapter (IAI-EU)
Leader of Livable Cities Taskforce at the Indonesian Diaspora Network (IDN)
Researcher The Why Factory, TU Delft

*Indonesian Diaspora Award for Innovation 2012*
*Archinesia award for architecture exhibitions 2012*

+31 642 72 92 57

SHAU Rotterdam
Schiekade 189, unit 412
NL-3013BR Rotterdam
+31 10 711 0338

SHAU Jakarta
Wisma Penta lt. 2
Jl Kebon Sirih No 65
Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10340
+62 21 319 240 67

Indonesian Institute of Architects European Union
Schiekade 189, unit 412
NL-3013BR Rotterdam

Indonesian Diaspora Network

Design Week 1.1 – IAI Jakarta

Design Week 1.1 – IAI Jakarta

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Ruang Lotus 1&2 JDC lt. 7

– Jam 09.00-15.00: FGD Identitas Kota Jakarta.

POKJA (kelompok kerja) Identitas Kota Jakarta – IAI Jakarta, dgn mengundang berbagai narasumber kompeten & anggota IAI lainnya scr terbuka, akan mendiskusikan ttg pentingnya ciri & karakter kota bagi Jakarta, termasuk bagaimana cara mentransformasikan Arsitektur/Kebudayaan Betawi sbg nilai kearifan lokal Jakarta menjadi suatu ciri & karakter khas kota Jakarta. 

– Jam 16.00-21.00 : Forum Biro akan membahas lingkup Tugas dan Tahapan Pekerjaan Arsitek dari sudut pandang praktisi

– Pameran foto ‘Jakarta Dulu dan Kini’ dan ‘Rumah Raden Saleh’, serta pemutaran beberapa film arsitektural

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Ruang Lotus 1,2,3 dan Flamboyan

– Jam 13.00-17.00 :

1. Diskusi Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) Jakarta 2030

2. Pameran foto ‘Jakarta Dulu dan Kini’ dan ‘Rumah Raden Saleh’, serta pemutaran dan presentasi Film ‘Mohe Wae Rebo’

Terbuka untuk umum, GRATIS!

Lowongan kerja Februari 2013

1. Konsultan Arsitek di daerah Jakarta Barat membutuhkan segera:

* Pelaksana Proyek.

Dg kualifikasi:
1. Pendidikan min. STM Sipil.
2. Pengalaman min. 3 tahun, terutama proyek rumah tinggal mewah.
3. Mengerti pelaksanaan detail di lapangan.
4. Supel dan dapat bekerja dalam tim.

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, pas foto dan gaji yang diharapkan ke

Terima kasih.


2. Sebuah perusahaan korea membutuhkan 2 orang senior arsitek,
untuk ditempatkan di jepang

# wajib memiliki SKA

# pengalaman min 10 thn

dikarenakan mendesak untuk info lebih lanjut dapat meghubungi pak Bambang di nomer 08128 35 35 35



3. Seorang arsitek membutuhkan asisten.

Menguasai dengan baik Sketchup 3d dan Autocad 2d.
Punya pengalaman membuat gambar detail interior.
Bisa bekerja cepat dan teliti.

Lamaran tulisan tangan + CV + foto + gambar skp dan dwg yang pernah dibuat dikirimkan via email ke


PT Bayuaji Cook
Ateliers, member of C&A Design Group, an international design group
specializing the field of architecture and lighting design is currently seeking
for a prospective candidate, who are willing to undertake challenges in the
broad service of our business. With the objective to strengthen our world-wide
design service and expanding the business network, we are looking for a dynamic
individual who meet below criterias:

·         Male
/ Female age below 30
·         Hold
bachelor degree in finance. (Master degree in Bussiness Administration will be
an advantage)
·         Good communication, negotiation and
interpersonal skills
* The ability to work under pressure.
*   Has
a minimum of 1 year working experience in relevant areas.

* Able to communicate in Englishfluently (both written &
*   Creative,
Responsible, able to work as a team and highly motivated.
* Active,
possess good ethics
*   To
be basedin Yogyakarta
*  Highly
motivated & eager to undertake challenges

Send your application letter containing statement of purpose along with complete
CV, resume,portfolio and salary requirements to
manda@bca-ateliers.comor no later
than Feb, 4 2013


5. Bagas & Associates, konsultan arsitektur, interior dan konstruksi membuka kesempatan bagi arsitek-arsitek untuk bergabung bersama kami dalam bidang perancangan dan perencanaan dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut:

Jabatan: Arsitek
Pengalaman: minimal fresh graduate
-menguasai AutoCAD 2D
-menguasai software 3D (Sketch Up/3D Max/ dll)
-mampu bekerja bersama tim
-bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
-kelakuan baik.

Kirimkan email CV &portfolio Anda ke:

Terima kasih

BAGAS & Associates
Jl. Kaca Blok  D2/7, Perumahan Pondok Jaya
Sektor V Bintaro Jaya
Tangerang Selatan


6. A+A Architecture Interior, sebuah studio design yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan 2 (dua) orang staff untuk posisi sebagai berikut:


* Minimum pengalaman bekerja 1 tahun
* Lulusan S1/Diploma Arsitektur/Interiorlebih diutamakan

* Sudah pernah menangani gambar kerja proyek residensial dan komersial
* Sudah pernah menangani atau bersedia menangani gambar kerja untuk proyek arsitektur atau interior
* Dapat mulai bekerja atau bergabung segera
Surat lamaran, CV dan contoh kerapihan gambar kerja dapat dikirimkan ke:

Terima kasih,

Anggraito Suhartono
A+A Architecture Interior
Marquee Office – Equity Tower 35th Floor
Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta Selatan 12190
T. +62 21 2927 7999 F. +62 21 2927 7888

Call for Papers – ICCS (International Conference on Civic Space) 2013


International Conference on Civic Space (2) 2013
Universitas Indonesia
Conference Theme:
Bricks and Bytes: Civic Space and the Multitude of Social Media
Time: 25-28 June 2013
Venue: Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

On 2010, the 1st International Conference on Civic Space held in Depok, Universitas Indonesia, which was aJoint Conference of University of British Columbia and Universitas Indonesia. The 1st Conference sought critical comparisons between nations across Asia, both on the level of theoretical and historical processes. By focusing on urban cultures in relation to formations of civil society, the state cultural strategies, and forces of capitalism, the conference brought in comparative histories and comparative geographies, and expanded the historical and theoretical contexts in which to engage critically new formations and new knowledge of Asian cities.

Now, the 2nd Conference which will be held in 2013, aims to explore the theme ‘Bricks and Bytes: Civic Space and the Multitude of Social Media.’
With the broadening, deepening, and acceleration of global interconnectedness in nearly all aspects of contemporary life, our world continues to be molded into a shared economic, cultural, and political arena. The proliferation of new media and information technologies, especially the explosion of social media usage, has intensified this process, and brought new realities to our society. As the global internet penetration grows from low millions in early 1990s to low billions today, this technology has become an unavoidable fact of life for governments, corporations, civil society, and regular citizens worldwide.
In political arena, all over the world people have utilized global information and communication technologies to redefine the public sphere. From the Arab Spring to the Occupy Wallstreet to the Spanish Indignados political activists have been utilizing social media networks to challenge the status quo, contesting new territories of this ‘convivial’ medium. Yet, those in power try to recapture the emerging venues and avenues with control, censorship, and draconian regulatory frameworks. Old battles are fought in the new terrain. How does this new terrain transform the notion of participation and civic engagement? What are the real-world conditions for a flourishing adaptation and adoption of these new social networking tools? How do the new democratic practices of politics intersect with the process of media corporatization that operates in social media and media landscape in general?

In cultural arena, new ways of distribution and dissemination of cultural artifacts are emerging. Straying away from the traditional marketing strategy in favor of a social network based practices, a Korean singer PSY with its Gangnam Style, not only is the epitome of the new, revolutionary, way of marketing, but also a product of the new wave of cultural globalization. How PSY gets people who have never heard Korean walking around singing every word of lyrics they do not understand is a testimony of how locals and global have become more interconnected than ever. How does this interconnectivity change, transform, and alter the production and consumption of culture, art and creativity? Further, how does (social media driven) participatory culture transform the production and distribution of knowledge? How does this challenge the conventional ways of producing and consuming ‘things’?

The growth and development of mobile social media networks not only transform ways in which people interact and communicate but also how people come together and interact in physical spaces, including public space. What happens as new kinds of information flow into physical spaces? What is their implication on our everyday social and spatial practices? Ironically, the growth of social media, especially among the youth, is also associated with the decline of civic spaces—public parks, squares, and others—from our modern cities. As our youth spend more and more time on the screen, how does this translate into the everyday-ness? What are gained, what are lost?

How does the real work of architecture and design adapt and reflect this new mediated world? How do social media change our experiences of architecture, building, places, and the city? As we inhabit the two spaces—one physical, one virtual—how do we approach the world of design?
As we rearrange our ‘being’ and ‘doing’ in physical and digital space, between bricks and bytes, we embrace multiple realities and manifold experiences of global, local, and everything-in-between. How are these dynamics implicated in the ways in which one behaves? How do these challenge (or not) our sense of belonging, social identity, and community?

We invite those who are interested in exploring the questions we pose, and beyond, to participate in this conference.
Topics include, but not limited to:
•Social media and the production of knowledge
•Global-local dynamics
•Art, popular culture and creative intervention
•Youth and violence
•Corporatization and democratization
•Alternative modernities
•City, citizenship and civic engagement
•Social movement and insurgencies
•Participatory and peer-to-peer culture

A) Individual papers
Those wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to send a 300 words of abstract and send it to: February 14, 2013.
B) Panel
We welcome any proposal to organize a panel on a particular topic relevant to the conference theme. The panel coordinator should submit the panel registration form below (which includes the names of panel members and their abstracts, a discussant (if needed) by February 14, 2013.
C) Poster
Those wishing to exhibit poster on research and projects (including creative, innovative projects) related to the general theme and panel topics are encouraged to fill out poster registration form. (No papers and presentation are required). Posters should be printed on A1 papers. We will provide exhibition panels, space for exhibition and exhibition sessions. During the exhibition sessions, poster artists should be available near their posters to provide explanation to the conference participants.
Successful applicants for individual papers, panels and posters will be notified by March 1, 2013.

Paper submission
Paper in Englishis to be submitted by March 24, 2013. Submit the paper in the form of softcopy (Adobe PDF document), for the committee will make a proceeding in the form of a CD.

The 2nd International Conference on Civic Space(ICCS 2013) will be held in conjunction with QiR (Quality in Research) International Seminar 2013 organized . The conferences will be held in Yogyakarta, the city with rich cultural heritages and traditional civic space in Java, Indonesia, on 25-28 June 2013. The venue is Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a unique five-star hotel which offers something interesting and different for everyone in the family.
Various art centres are nearby, from Batik, silver jewelry, gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet), theater and other expressions of traditional art. The magnificent temples of Borobudur and Prambanan are within reach, as well as the two-centuries old Kraton (the Sultan’s Palace). The architecture, temples and fine traditional culture add up to one ideal conference and vacation destination.

Conference Host:
The conference is hosted by Universitas Indonesia, and organized by the Department of Architecture (FTUI)

Conference Convenors:
Bambang Sugiarto, Dean Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Bondan T. Sofyan, Chairman QiR 2013
Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, Head, Dept. of Architecture

Steering Committee:
Abidin Kusno
Gunawan Tjahjono
Melani Budianta
Stephen Cairns
Jane Jacob
Hasan-Uddin Khan
Merlyna Lim
Lai Chee Kien

Organizing Committee & Secretariat:
Arum Kusumawardhani

For further information, please contact:
Arum :
Secretariat of the International Conference on Civic Place (2) 2013
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Gedung Arsitektur FTUI
Depok 16424, Indonesia
Phone: 62-21-7863512begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 62-21-7863512end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: 62-21-7863514